Pemanfaatan casa dalam observasi motilitas spermatozoa semen cair Sapi Madura dalam pengencer berbeda


  • Dian Ratnawati Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong, Grati Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Nurul Isnaini Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
  • Trinil Susilawati Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia



motility, Madura bull, CASA


The purpose of this study was to measure the motility of Madura bull
spermatozoa using three different diluents (tris aminomethane, CEP-2 and
skim milk) duringcold storage. The research material used were 2 Madura
bulls. Collecting semen method used artificial vagina, followed by fresh
semen analysis and processing of liquid semen. Observation of liquid semen
quality was carried out up to the 5th days of cold storage. Motility
examination of semen liquid used Computerized Assisted Semen Analysis
(CASA), namely SCA v.5.2. The parameters measured were: progressive motility,
motility, velocity straight linear (VSL), velocity curve linear (VCL),
velocity average pathway (VAP), straightness (STR), linearity (LIN), wobble
(WOB), hyperactivity (H), Beat cross frequency (BCF), amplitude lateral head
(ALH). Data was analyzed by Minitab 17. Motility and progressive motility of
spermatozoa in tris aminomethane and CEP-2 were higher than skim milk for 5
days of cold storage. The VCL value of tris aminomethane was higher than
CEP-2 and skim milk. VSL scores barely show the difference among diluents.
VAP values in tris aminomethaneand CEP-2 are higher than skim milk at the
beginning of storage. The LIN, STR and WOB values of the CEP-2 and skim milk
yield higher values than tris aminomethane. The percentage value of
hyperactivity spermatozoa was same among diluents. The ALH value of
trisaminomethane was higher than CEP-2 and skim milk. BCF values in CEP-2
was higher than skim milk and tris aminomethane. Tris aminomethane and CEP-2
can support the motility of Madura bull spermatozoa than skim milkfor 5 days
of storage


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How to Cite

Ratnawati, D., Isnaini, N., & Susilawati, T. (2017). Pemanfaatan casa dalam observasi motilitas spermatozoa semen cair Sapi Madura dalam pengencer berbeda. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science), 27(1), 80–95.


