Analysis factors that affect participant interest in cattle farm business insurance in Indonesia


  • Ikhsan Maulidi Syiah Kuala University
  • Juanda Kelana Putra Department of Mathematics, UIN Walisongo, Semarang, 50185, Indonesia
  • Werry Febrianti Department of Mathematcis, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampugn Selatan, 35365, Indonesia
  • Vina Apriliani Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia



Insurance, Crop failure, Structural equation model, The insurance premium


The Cattle Business Insurance Program is a protection cow yields program launched by the government to anticipate the risk of loss of farmer due to crop failure. The government started this program in 2015 by working together with an insurance company PT. Jasindo. This program is beneficial for farmer in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the impact of this program is still having a negligible effect on society because there is still a lack of attraction from the farmer to follow this insurance program. This research has a purpose in analyzing factors that caused the farmer’s interest, making them want to join this insurance. We use a structural equation model (SEM) of data that has been obtained to provide the method. Based on the results, we can conclude that the accuracy factor is a dominant factor that influences the farmer’s decision to join the AUTS program. This insurance has been beneficial in developing a better Cattle business insurance program in the future and motivates farmer to join this insurance. For insurance companies, this research has provided information for companies interested in opening similar and better insurance programs to increase the enthusiasm of local farmer and national cattle productions.


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How to Cite

Analysis factors that affect participant interest in cattle farm business insurance in Indonesia. (2022). Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 32(1), 52-60.