Health management of beef cattle: A case study




Beef cattle, Farmer, Beef cattle diseases, Beef cattle health, Beef cattle management


The reports about how are farmers able to prevent, identify and treat the animal diseases to not get worse while the production is still maintained, are limited. The application of the standard good farming practices is also not well documented. Therefore, to provide adequate information about beef cattle health management in smallholders, especially in Indonesia; this study was conducted at "Putra Nusa " Beef Cattle Group, located in Kalensari Hamlet, Kondangjajar Village, Cijulang District, Pangandaran Regency. The study was carried out by survey and observation to determine the farmers' level of knowledge about health, care and treatment of beef cattle. The result showed that farmers do not have a background in animal health, resulting in a lack of knowledge about beef cattle health management. Most breeders rely on natural ingredients to treat sick animals. Farmer's concern about vaccination and routine anthelmintic administration was only about 15% and 22%, respectively, contributed to the increase of helminthiasis cases (45%). Improve the knowledge about cattle diseases supported by the easy access to veterinarian will minimize the losses of breeders.

Author Biographies

Tyagita Hartady, Padjadjaran University

Department of Basic Medical Science

Rini Widyastuti, Padjadjaran University

Department of Animal Production

Andi Hiroyuki, Padjadjaran University

Department of Basic Medical Science


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How to Cite

Hartady, T., Widyastuti, R., & Hiroyuki, A. (2021). Health management of beef cattle: A case study. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science), 31(2), 102–108.