Helminthiasis saluran cerna pada sapi perah


  • LILI ZALIZAR Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang




cooperative, cows, prevalence, worm infection


The purpose of this research was to find out prevalence and the rates of helminths
infection and the kind of the helmints on dairy cows that was belonging KUBE Maju
Mapan Cooperative in Jabung, Malang. A total of 123 dairy cows on farms was
investigated for the possibility of a worm infection. Indications of worm infections
was based on faecal worm egg discovery using floating method using saturated salt
solution for nematode and cestode worms and sedimentation methods for the
examination of worms trematodes. Examination of the number of worm’s eggs use
Whit lock chambers tool. Stool examination was done in the Laboratory of Animal
Health belong to the Department of Animal Husbandry East Java Province in the
district of Pakis Malang. The sample examination was done in 3 (three) times
repetition.The results showed there are 2 (two) types of worm eggs, nematode
type Strongyloid sp and Trematodes type Fasciola sp. The prevalence of
Strongyloid infection in cattle is large enough that is equal to 33.33 percent (41
of 123 dairy cows). While the prevalence of the infected cattle Fasciola sp only
23.58 percent (29 of 123 dairy cows). The rate of infection or mean number of
eggs per gram of feces of Strongyloid and Fasciola sp are only 2.43 and 1.88 per
head of cattle. The efforts for worm medication regularly conducted by the
Cooperative has been able to reduce the prevalence of the disease and the rates
of infection

Author Biography

LILI ZALIZAR, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Program studi Peternakan Terakreditasi A (Dept of Animal Science) Rank based of Higher Education Ministry: A


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How to Cite

ZALIZAR, L. (2017). Helminthiasis saluran cerna pada sapi perah. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science), 27(2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.21776/ub.jiip.2017.027.02.01


